Successful Strategy Implementation – seemingly a logical and simple step following the development of a well conceived Strategy for the company, however it’s proving to be the Achilles heel of so many companies.

Scorecard Collaborative 1999 reconfirmed 2006 Norton and the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative/Palladium Group reported that “ 9 out 10 companies fail to implement/execute their strategies“. – Fortune magazine made a very similar statement “Less than 10% of Strategies effectively formulated are effectively executed

This conundrum provided the basis for the formation of Dragonfly Strategic Interventions (Pty) Ltd in 2009.Through our years of executive operational management experience, we encountered this phenomena first hand. Our learning’s guided us to develop robust processes and routines increasing implementation success without attempting to “shoe-horn” companies into one magical model but rather offer “customised solutions” anchored in the key principles of successful implementation.

DFSI (Pty) Ltd focus the interventions on 8 key processes, aligning these processes to the Company Vision. The Vision is crucial to the overall success of the strategy and all too often we find the Vision to be a statement rather than the reason for being! The desired outcome we strive for is a synergised execution/implementation model that drives the preferred organisational behaviour to deliver the objectives and outcomes of the designed strategy. We aim to leave the organisation with a measurement “toolkit” that tracks the outcomes against the deliverables, striving for “real time” information and aligning the entire organisation to the Vision.

Meaningful strategy development is not an annual “tick box” activity! Well conceived strategy is long term in nature provided the essence of the Vision is captured in the Strategy whereas Tactical execution requires frequent review. We can assist in a pragmatic process that will enable Organisational focus and Implementation excellence.

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+27(0)11 802 3587

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+27(0)79 693 5655


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